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tips on beating procrastination by visualisation



Visualising productivity leads to making your self more productive. Ours is the busiest  generation as we like to multitask.  The humans were never busy like these times. Though we have lot of instruments and machines to complete the tasks fast and efficiently,we waste lot of time on distractions. We have lot to accomplish and on top of that we  have social media to distract us from our goals..

You cannot live without social media in these days.  If you don’t have clear boundaries, social media will eats up most of your time. And if you are not on social media, you feel disconnected from the world. ( I am also included in YOU ).

Think it to be the most busy time of the world. Productivity hacks are required in these times because we still have 24 hours in a day. Visualisation is one of them. It is same as you will feel happy if you think happiness and allow your self to be happy. Same way, if you  visualise yourself to be productive, it will help you to  become productive.

You can create visualisation for every aspect of life be it financial, personal or professional. Here I want to emphasise on being more productive. Specially when you work from home, you have millions of distractions. It is difficult to remove those distractions but you can become more productive with your available time.

The most important aspect of visualisation is to make things happen by giving a clear picture of outcome and the desired action required to accomplish the given task. Here I am not talking about just dreaming of outcome, but about taking the action required to achieve that outcome.

1.Write down what you want to accomplish and visualise the outcome

There is no right or wrong in this one. The only important  thing is you yourself. Because you are the creator as well as viewer. Think it like a movie but actually you are working in this movie, you are creating the movie and you are viewing the movie. You want to have certain outcome and you have to visualise yourself working towards that outcome.

Here the most important thing is to have clear picture of what you want. And this is not the law of attraction, that you will get what you want and think. This is the actual process for you to put yourself there to start working for the desired outcome.

As it is said, subconscious is a terrible master but very good student. Here your conscious mind is persuading you to see the outcome so that it will get ingrained in your subconscious.  Everything becomes easy when your subconscious gets ready .

2. Break your task into smaller parts

You have to visualise all the details of the steps you need to accomplish certain outcome. This will be bit difficult with the big outcome but if you will break that into smaller steps, you will be able to visualise minute details required to accomplish the given task.

When you have a bigger task to accomplish, you need to  break that into smaller parts. Same way, you have to break your visuals in to smallest of the details. Smaller parts feel easy to accomplish. When your mind can see yourself accomplishing tasks, you will feel enthusiastic about that particular task to take action.

This will let you work on your self more.

3. How you will accomplish that

Now the bigger picture is clear but you need to work on this everyday. Have a visual board in front of you. Write down all the steps you need to work out on that board.  Write down your bigger task at the top. Then under that, write down smaller tasks or goals.

When you wake up in the morning, have a look at the visual board and start visualising what you want to accomplish. Write down what you will do today to move closer to bigger outcome. Visualise the details. Do it morning and at the night. You can do this whenever you have time. This will help you in keeping your tasks a priority for you.

4. Set a particular time for visualisation

You can start visualising any time which suits you. The only thing is you have to figure out your optimum time to visualise your goals. Doing same thing at similar time for a set period will let you make it a habit. As  we all know, habits can make or break a life.

Make visualisation a habit by doing it at same time. Initially, it will be bit difficult to concentrate, but once it becomes your habit, it will be really good for you. Start with 2 minutes of visualisation.

5. Sit eyes closed and relax

Relaxed atmosphere is required to keep your thoughts the way you want. Close your eyes and relax your forehead. Take deep breaths and bring the thoughts of your outcome in your mind. Then think of the about the details you need to work on. Imagine yourself  working on the task you want to accomplish. And imagine the outcome.

Feel the enthusiasm and happiness you will feel after actually taking action. When you make a mental picture of what you want, your mind becomes ready to work on the given task.

5. Start working on the first one

When you know, you have to accomplish certain task, visualise that task. Visualise all the resources you need to collect for the said task. If you have to write a piece of content, visualise  yourself siting in front of computer and writing the content. Think about the topic and what you want to convey.

Visualise all the headings and subheadings you will require for the post. Now the mental picture is clear, start writing down. Writing will be much easier.

6. Visualise same details until you complete that task

Visualisation works by generating images in mind. Your subconscious understand images. Visualise the same outcome until you complete the given task. When your subconscious know you want something, that image would be there and your conscious mind will find ways to take action towards the said outcome.

8. Take action to stop procrastination by visualising

Taking action is the most important part of any achievement. Visualisation is effective only when you are ready to take action. Only visualising and doing nothing equals day dreaming.

Visualisation  + no action  = Day dreaming = Time waste

But here the point  is to reduce time wasters and beat procrastination. The whole point is to become productive so that you may have time to enjoy your life fully by freeing your time.

9. Visualise yourself working towards the task

If you go on dreading some work, it is highly you will go on procrastinating on that particular task. Start loving that particular task and visualise your self performing the activity. It is bit difficult but if the task is an important step to move towards the said goal, then you cannot skip that.

Visualise all the details you will need to complete the task and all the resources you will need to accomplish that. This way your subconscious will let you start that task and accomplish it.

10. Exercise visualisation daily

You have to train your mind to be good at visualisation. Practising daily for few minutes will let you learn this art. In the beginning, you will only be able to see dark black blank area in front of your closed eyes. As you will learn this art, it will become a habit for you.

how to visualise productivity to beat procrastination. click to read

11. How to do visualisation

  1. Find a quiet corner and sit comfortably.
  2. Close your eyes and relax.
  3. Remove any tension around your forehead and relax your closed eyes
  4. Take few deep  breaths  until you start feeling relaxed.
  5. Now bring the thought of your task in your mind
  6. Start making mental pictures of what you want.
  7. It will be bit overwhelming at the beginning but as you will practice it daily, you will get hang of it. Start with a  very simple task.
  8. You will see something blank at the beginning. But with the practice, you will be able to generate pictures of everything what you want.

This is how I visualise my tasks and outcome. I tried many techniques but at the end, you yourself makes your own technique.

Actionable tips to beat procrastination by visualising productivity. click to read

Visualisation is a great technique which human mind can use to do wonders. Try these tips and let me know if it helps you in increasing your efficiency.


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