We feel stress at many times in our daily lives. Sometimes even small things trigger stress in the body. Because stress affects the whole body, it is very important to tame it before it becomes chronic. I am sure you will be interested to learn how to reduce stress while working.
Stress can be more dangerous when we cannot acknowledge that stress is there. In stressful moments, we become less productive.

During stressful moments, we feel like we are doing a lot but accomplishing nothing. Our mind starts to feel heavy and unproductive. We can’t figure out what is happening. This stress comes from work pressure, grievances, unbalanced personal and professional lives.
Reducing the stress is necessary but how to reduce stress is easier said than done. We all are vulnerable to stress and tensions. It is better to figure out some ways to tame it and make our lives easy and manageable.
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How to reduce stress while working on your goals
Keeping your work environment stress free is utmost important. Because we spend 8-9 or more waking hours either working on our goals or deadlines at the workplace. What happens to our bodies in those working hours is not hidden. We all know how stress affects our bodies. Our well-being depends on how we manage our stress.
Here are some easy ways to make our lives stress free.
Take time off to reduce stress
Go on vacation. This is the biggest stress buster. If you are feeling stressed just take time off. It will help you recharge your mind and body for work. After a vacation when you go to work, you feel a new enthusiasm for work. Sometimes the same boring work starts to feel new.
Talk to your family and friends
If you feel stressed and feel like you are not having any energy left for work, talk to your family members and friends. Though it is good to keep personal and professional life separated, there is nothing wrong in taking help to reduce stress if it is taking a toll on your health and overall life.
Often we need a helping hand to manage work-related stress. Our friends and family members can understand us.
All of us are prone to stress. Everybody at some point of life feels stress. So as humans we can feel each others problem and can support emotionally.
Friends and family members always try to solve the problem.
Limit the use of technology
Technology, digital gadgets and social media also contribute to stress. Due to prolonged screen- time, the mind could not rest which ultimately results in a stressful life.
To calm down the mind you have to limit the use of gadgets and make some boundaries. If you want to be present on social media every free moment, it will be difficult to relax.
Relaxing the mind is very important for a healthy life. Create boundaries and learn to shut yourself from social media and technology. This will reduce your stress to some extent.
Address the grievances
Sometimes it is not in our hands to address the problem at the workplace. If you get into some misunderstanding or arguments with your coworkers, try to clear any problem.
It is common that a little misunderstanding goes a long way and become a full-fledged problem. This problem makes you suffocated and you don’t want to go to work. To keep your work environment healthy, address any grievances as soon as they arise.
If you cannot solve the problem on your own level, it is better to talk to your seniors. They could figure out something like changing the work duties. They can solve the problem between you and the other person
Talk to your seniors
Talking to your senior is sometimes beneficial for a healthy work environment. It is difficult to work if you have problems understanding your work-related duties or you have a problem understanding the work environment. In this case, it is better to talk to your seniors who could help you out with any problems you are having regarding work.
Pinpoint some stressbusters
There are always somethings in everybody’s life, which makes us happy. Try to figure out those things which make you forget everything. Doing those things in the moments of stress makes it easier to control stress. In-office, it could be deep breathing. Deep breaths take the stress out.
It could be anything like listening to music, singing a song. ( My stress busters). Reading motivational books or something silly. You have to be mindful of doing silly things in the office but it’s fine to dance or jump in your house.
Start meditation
Meditation is very important and effective in managing stress. It gives you a sense of calmness and peace. When you sit in a peaceful manner to concentrate on your present, it makes you relax and forget about the stress.
When our mind becomes still even for a few minutes, it provides tremendous benefit for overall health.
Yoga for a stress-free life
In combination with meditation, yoga is also an important stress reliever. Yoga comprises of poses along with breathing. It helps in removing tensions from the body parts. Also, yoga helps in calming the mind and helps in forgetting the difficult moments of the workplace.
Physical exercise
Physical exercise is also very important in managing stress. After spending the whole day inside the cubicles, you start feeling bored. Physical exercise gives you stamina. It not only makes your body healthy but also it rejuvenates your mind.
If you do some kind of physical exercise in the evening, you feel rejuvenated for your next morning. The same workplace becomes interesting and entertaining. Physical exercise also helps in releasing good hormones.
Walk-in open areas
Walk outside in fresh air. Going out in fresh airlifts your mood up. There is something in natural surroundings which connects with our own-self. When we are outside we feel one with the universe. Because we are part of this big universe, it makes us feel good and happy.
Sit outside with your own self
Sitting outside in solitude is a beautiful way to be with yourself. It gives us time to ponder upon our own self. Giving yourself some time to introspect away from the crowds makes you feel more grounded and strong to deal with the stress.
Go to counsellor
If nothing helps, it is best to go to a counsellor. Sometimes we just need the catharsis of thoughts. If you feel like you cannot figure out what is bothering you, it is best to take help. Instead of sitting on the problem for a longer time, try to solve it. Sometimes stress becomes chronic and requires immediate help.
Going to psychiatrist or counsellor is the best thing. Never wait too long to take help.

All these thoughts are personal and I have tried them on myself. And these are for informational purposes only.
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