Successful people are naturally more productive. They utilise their time effectively and accomplish more in less time. If you think that your time management capabilities are not effective enough to keep optimum productivity levels, you need to make some changes. Here are some hacks to make your day more productive.

Make your day more productive with these simple hacks
To make your day productive, you need to take action at this very moment. As humans, we are in dilemma for most of the time. There are some questions:
- Is it the right time to start working on the most important task?
- Or I should wait for the perfect time?
Which always surface our mind whenever we want to start something new or a difficult task.
We are so accustomed to our daily routines that starting something new feels like a daunting task. We procrastinate and procrastinate for a long time. And gradually our ideas go under the dust of procrastination.
It is better to start it right now. RIGHT NOW IS THE MOMENT WHICH YOU HAVE. Time doesn’t wait for our starting point. We have to make our starting point our-self. If we make little changes in our routines and thoughts, we can accomplish a lot. Here are some hacks that will help you in making your day more productive for sure.
Start your day early
Waking up early is difficult when you sleep late at night and you have to go for work. But if you want to be successful in your own goals and dreams, it is necessary to wake up a bit early. Morning is the most energised time for most of us. It is better to make use of it. Our minds are charged after sound sleep and rest of a few hours.
When you accomplish something important in the morning, it gives you a feeling of satisfaction. This feeling makes you more efficient and you accomplish more in the day. ( It is okay if you have your optimum productivity at some other time of the day)
Start your day with positive affirmations
Yep. This is the easiest and fun part. Wake up in the morning and say ” I AM THE HAPPIEST PERSON IN THIS WORLD”. Believe me, it works. You can make your own positive affirmations for the morning. Anything positive. Stay away from negative words. There should be what you want. And nothing which you don’t want.
Our subconscious mind cannot understand no. It makes a picture of what we say and keeps it in memory. Start with what you want. Be as specific as you can.
Drink a glass of lukewarm water
Drink a glass of water. Everywhere, drinking water in the morning, as well as the whole day, is a hot topic. And it is because the point has some merits in it. It gives your brain clarity. It is good for your gut. Best for flushing out toxins. And setting you for a beautiful day. Better if you add lemon in it. But stay away from salt or sugar.
Meditate for a few minutes
Indulge in meditation for a few minutes. Meditation will recharge you for the whole day. Initially, it is difficult to concentrate on breathing and meditation but gradually you will learn how to do it. This will calm down your mind. Meditation helps to make your day more productive.
It will make your mind free to think of new ideas and energy to execute those ideas. If you are not in the habit of meditation, read this and start meditation with a few minutes.
Exercise for at least 20 minutes
Physical exercise also gives your body an energy boost. Stretches take off the tension from your body parts. It will help you in correcting your posture while standing as well as while sitting.
All the good hormones set you for a beautiful and productive day.
Have a healthy breakfast to be productive
Having a good and healthy breakfast set you for a” full of energy” day. Having good proteins and nutrients in breakfast makes you more energetic. If food makes you lethargic, it becomes difficult to concentrate.
Write down your to-do list
Morning seems to be very productive and fresh. We have a lot of ideas and long to-do lists. It feels like we can do everything. But as the day progress and when we start doing the tasks, we get lost in too many distractions.
It is better to write down the to-do list and stick to it. Planing for five minutes save a lot of time and burden of mind.
Write down the most important tasks at the top followed by the least important. And stick to the list. You will find your life a lot easier and days more productive. Give a time frame to tasks.
Use the Promodoro technique to block time for important tasks. Giving time frames to your tasks puts some pressure on minds to do the work more efficiently.
When you finish your first task in the given time frame, you feel inspired to start the next task with great energy. Sometimes I feel how successful people can accomplish in 24 hours. And my 24 hours go like that.
Then I figured out how to be more productive. These little changes changed a lot. Now I can accomplish a lot more. Giving time frame to tasks take the pressure off from you.
When you have a lot of time on your hand, you feel like you can accomplish your task at any time. But giving time frame put some pressure on you to accomplish the task sooner.
Batch your tasks
Batching your tasks saves you lot of time. Our brain takes some time to adjust to the new task. When you are doing similar tasks, your mind remains in a similar time frame.
Jumping from one task to another let you lot waste a lot of time. Moreover, your brain starts feeling lethargic. To combat this, always batch similar tasks together.
Plan tasks according to Eisenhower matrix
Eisenhower Matrix is known to be very effective in making a person more effective if he/she learns how to divide the tasks into urgent and non-urgent activities.
According to Eisenhower Matrix, tasks can be divided into 4 quadrants.
- Urgent and important
- Urgent but not important (Can be delegated)
- Important but not urgent
- Nor important neither urgent (can be eliminated)
Take short breaks to make your day more productive
Taking short breaks in between tasks makes you more productive. Sitting for a longer time makes you lethargic and you start feeling tired. If possible you can take a small nap. Otherwise, short walks in the office do the magic.
10 productive things to do before bed
Points to remember
- Get up early, Say positive affirmations
- Drink water( lemon water)
- Meditate
- Exercise
- Write down to-do list
- Assign time frames to tasks

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