Having a no-spend month is a blessing for your savings account. Go for it. It’s not your salary that makes you rich, It’s your spending habits” Charles A. Jaffe Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. For full disclosure, read here If you want to make money right now, you can sign up with these survey sites. […]
10 things you are wasting your money on
Stop wasting money on things you don’t need and your wallet will thank you for this. Sometimes, you buy things which are not required but you just want them. Or you think that you may need them and you have to keep those things for imaginary emergency. This is me too. I buy specially clothes […]
How I am saving 400 dollars every month to grow my retirement fund
Save money and grow your retirement fund How saving 25 dollars a week can save you 67,995 dollars How to build emergency fund on low income Habits to learn to retire in next five years Saving on a single income is very difficult. At present we are on single income and Melbourne is bit […]
How to build your emergency fund on low income
Building an emergency fund is a necessity, not a luxury which you can avoid. Having an emergency fund gives you peace of mind. Start with a minimum amount each week even if it is $25 or $10. In an era of shrinking jobs, an emergency fund is not a choice. And it was never as […]
Habits to learn to retire in next 5 years
7 Habits which will take you on the journey to retire early My mind always fills with unimaginable fantasies when I think of having one million dollars in my account and don’t have to think of working again. Till now I never thought of this thing. I always thought of working until the actual retirement […]