These actionable hacks to save money on groceries will let you save a good amount of money each month. We all want to save money from wherever we can, right! I am also one of the people who always look for finding ways to save money. Because I am building my emergency fund with this […]
How to manifest abundant money with law of attraction
It is possible to manifest abundant money with the law of attraction. I learned the law of attraction a few years back when I read the book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. To manifest the law of attraction, you must find the good in your now. Now is what you have. Abundant life needs you […]
Why and how to build an emergency fund on low income
Why and how to build an emergency fund on a low income. Both the questions Why you need an emergency fund and how to build an emergency fund on a low income, are important. As with everything else in your life, WHY should be clear to you then HOW becomes easy. Disclaimer: This post may […]
Best money quotes to inspire you to save money
Money quotes always inspire you to earn more, and save more. It is said that words have the power to transform our lives. Motivational words also inspire to keep focus on money matters. Money is an important part of life which needs to be taken care of. I agree that money cannot make us happy […]
How to teach money saving to kids effectively
It is really important to teach money saving to kids from the beginning. This is an era of spending and if you want to make your kids learn personal finance, then childhood is the right time to teach the basics of personal finance. When I was growing up, my family always had a very tight […]